The best sports to bet for Indians (part 1)

It is no need to convince that Indians love sports. Whenever their team plays in any major sports competition, the entire nation seems to come to a stop. More than any other extracurricular activity, sports occupy the minds and interests of the locals, even on a national level.

Therefore, it is apparent that sports betting is one of the most favorite activities for many fans in India. There are some arguments around the legality of sports betting in India, but there are also several ways to indulge in what is primarily a billion-dollar industry worldwide. For adults who want to take part in and make money from their favorite sports, it is worth knowing about some of the most lucrative games on offer. These are games that bookies cover in detail and matches that give punters an upper hand.  Knowing the fundamentals of these sports and diversifying bets can help even a newcomer be off to a winning start in sports betting.


Tennis is an excellent choice for Indians when it comes to sports betting. It is an individual game so a punter only needs to take care of just a few players before making a bet. This is much easier than keeping track of a whole team and their manager in team sports such as cricket or football. Without a doubt, the four major Grand Slams are the most coveted tennis events and perfect for betting. Before making a bet, Indian sports enthusiasts should check out the website, an excellent resource of all casinos that allow you to set bets in the local currency. This helps to save on currency conversion charges as well as keep things pretty straightforward in terms of understanding the odds and winnings. As for the tennis bettors, go with the top-ranking players, but most importantly, wager on the early games, and not just on the semi-finals and the finals.

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